Knight’s Restaurants
Our assignment: Take a beloved Ann Arbor icon and update it to feel fresh and modern without losing its local charm. Through careful discussions and research, we uncovered what Knight’s customers love most about the restaurant and infused the friendly, down-to-earth vibe into their brand and website.

Fresh Functionality
From a functionality standpoint, we brought them into the present by developing a custom daily specials menu builder that helps them easily alert customers to what’s cooking throughout the week. We also added quick and easy ways for users to make reservations throughout the site, as well as a way to keep their print menus in sync with their web menus. The final result was a website that helped to streamline their business while celebrating their local, family-owned heritage.

Honoring History
Our team came together to give Knight’s an updated site that still honored their history and much-loved brand. We recognized their deep roots in Ann Arbor by highlighting historical family photos on their “Our Story” page and by featuring their commitment to the community through their Ray & Mary Knight Scholarship Fund.

Upgraded Photography
One of the keys to creating a website as inviting as Knight’s restaurants? New photography that captured their fresh ingredients, cooked to perfection. We set up our photography studio at their downtown restaurant location and captured their classic steakhouse dishes served with their iconic drinks.